Tango and Android

Hello everyone.
I would like to know the status of the development of the Tango interface to Android devices.
I am aware of


Is it the only solution?
Are there any examples of usage (clients using REST, jsTangoORB, mTangoUI)?

Is there any app for android/ios realised with Cordova?

Thanks for any hint.

Giacomo, Elettra

There is new version of REST API - RC3. Unfortunately, I had no time to upgrade mTangoUI nor jsTangORB, but these libraries should work fine with mtango.server-RC2-0.4.

There is a project mTangoTest, i.e. mobile client for TangoTest via REST: how to setup on the mTango wiki (build using cordova)

And there is also a mStatusServer application, which is specific to our institute, i.e. requires some non trivial setup (again build using cordova).

There is a couple of web projects that use REST API and can be used on the android via browser:

- Web Jive
- Tango webapp template from Solaris

There is also TangORB compiled for Android: available here


Edited 8 years ago
Hello Ingvord and thanks for your reply.
Is there a link to a page where I can read some information / documentation about TangoORB for Android?
For example, is it just enough to include it into an android project as a dependency library?
Is the jar maintained and updated?
Is there and example using TangoORB for android (a simple android app) ?


I do not know about the documentation. To develop an application it is straightforward:

you just add TangORB-android.jar to the libs of the Android app and use it as you would use TangORB.
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