Retries exceeded error message in atkpanel/jive


I have an ubuntu box running tango 9 with a couple of local device servers.

Very often when I try to open one of them from the ATKPanel, e.g. Test Device with Jive, I get the following message:

Cannot import dserver/XXX/i2:
/ org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: Retries exceeded, (couldn‘t reconnect to [2003:cb:abca:27ab:f27g:59ff:fedb:de0c] vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

When I try again the error is gone. What might be the root cause? Is there a way to increase the numbers of retries? How does tango support IPV6? Is there a switch for testing with e.g. IPV4 only?
Hi Thomas,

As far as I know, Tango was never really tested with IPV6 so I think there is some work to be done to make it work for IPV6.
About the CORBA::TRANSIENT error, I will let the Java experts answer.

Kind regards,
Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new.
I confirm, it has never been tested in IPV6.
This error looks like a bad connection due to a bad exported device.
Is your device dserver/xxx/i2 exported ? Is the server running without error message ?

I confirm, it has never been tested in IPV6.

Thanks for confirming.

This error looks like a bad connection due to a bad exported device.
Is your device dserver/xxx/i2 exported ? Is the server running without error message ?

Yes it is exported and the server is also running without error message. Just trying again fixes the problem, but it is still tedious.
I tried to reproduce in a simple test program. But I have no error.
Which release of JTango do you use ?
How do you stop your server ?
with ^C or kill -9 ?

I mean, if the server is hard killed, it can't notified to the database that it will not be exported anymore.
And the client continue to try to connect at last host:port until a new information is written in DB.
In this case the error is:

Cannot Re-import xx/yy/zz :
	org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: Retries exceeded, couldn't reconnect to  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No
I'm using Tango 9.2.5. I usually stop the server via astor. But the point with the retries due to killing it, is a good point. Thanks!
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