matlab bindings on ubuntu 16.04_64
I ma trying to build the tango matlab bings on ubuntu 16.04 64 bit. Matalb release is 2017a, omniobr 4.2.1, zeromq-4.0.7, tango 9.2.5a lts for github, the bindings are relase 3 from github. The first problem one encounters is that matlab officialy supports gcc 4.9, while the distribution gcc is 5.1. You have to compile tango, omniorb and zeromq with gcc-4.9. This is tricky due to the fact that autools/autoconf are tuned for gcc-5.1. I managed to build a compile mex file for the platform, but it is not yet working. While I am tryong to find a solution to thi sproble, I would like to konw if any body succeded in building tha matlab tango binding for the said platform. Regards. Claudio Scafuri |
Update: tips and trick to build and run tango matlab bindings on ubuntu 16.04_64. In the end I managed to build an run tango matlab bindings on ubuntu 16.04_64, matlab version 2017a. tips: You can use g++-5.1 even if Matlab says that it supports only gcc-4.9. The positive side effect is that you can use your standrd tango, omniorb and zmq shared libraries, no need to have a separate compilation with a downgraded compiler. Use the Makefile.linux which comes with the source code and change the name of the mex extension to: MEX_EXT = mexa64 (this platform specific). According to Matlab documentation you should use the "mex" compiler to build extension mex files. The Makefile approach works equally well and is more readable. trick: Matlab comes with its own version of libstdc++, which During tests you can use the LD_PREOLAD env. variable, like this: export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ For the final installation I just changed the symolic to to point to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ . The symobolic link is in $MATLAB_ROOT/sys/os/glnxa64. All of the above apply to both relase 2.0.6 and 3.0.1 of the bindings. No tests with earliere releases. Bets regards |
Hi Claudio, Thanks for sharing. This is the kind of invaluable input that saves hours of work. Greetings from Corsica. N. |