Forum notifications no longer includes the message

The email notifications for forum activity used to include the text of the post in the email message. This was really useful as one could quickly keep abreast of what is happening on a thread by just reading the emails as they came in.

Since March the notifications have changed and just states:
"User xxx replied in topic to which you are subscribed.
Follow this link to see the new post …".
Now one has to click and jump to the Tango Controls Forum to read the post.

Not sure if this is something under control of Tango Controls, but it will be great if we can once again get the body of the post in the email notifications.
Same problem here.

there was a bug in the new version of the forum resulting first in no emails being sent and then in the forum posts email not containing the post. This resulted in having to one more click to see the post. We asked that this be corrected which was done yesterday. Now the emails contain the body of the forum post which triggered the email. It seems to work (at least for me). Let us know if you are still experiencing problems. Note you need to be subscribed to all topics in order to receive all posts. Currently we seem to have lost the option to receive text only and not html emails. We will follow this up.


It seems to be solved for me.
Thank you for this fast solution.
- Philippe
Looks like the forum notifications do not work at all again. I have not got any past few days.

The notifications are working for me… I got a notification for your message for instance.
I know I had to click again at some point on the "be auto-subscribed to topics" after the problem we had one or 2 weeks ago, but since then, it seems to be working fine.
Please double-check you are auto-subscribed to all forums and that the checkbox "be auto-subscribed to topics" is checked in your case.
You can see this check box by clicking on "Manage subscription" at the bottom of a page like the following one for instance:

Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new.

it seems notifications work only for already subscribed topics i.e. I have got any notification since long ago :(

In my profile I have Forum auto subscribtion for notifications checked but it seems it is only for newly created topics and created by myself.

It is possible to restore subscription to everything automatically?
Hi Igor,

I don't know about Tango Forum subscription, but you can try subscribing RSS feeds on this link.
It shows notifications for all the posts in any topic.

I am using RSS Feed Reader 5.6.6 extension on Google chrome. Another way is to go each topic and subscribe manually at the bottom but I don't know whether it notifies for posts on any new topic.

Hope it helps!

Edited 7 years ago
Hi Po,

Thanks for the hint with RSS. Definitely this is an appropriate solution for the time this issues being not fixed!
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