Estimate the data sent by server on Network

Dear Dancers,

I aim to find the size of the a single event (Object) that is passed on to the network from a server to client. (Size of meta-data along with the actual data)

Initial exploration result using Java instrumentation library is as below:

Subscribed periodic event on float attribute:
Found big object:     fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxyDAODefaultImpl@1563607796 size: 16.0b
Found big object:       [C@1270122630 size: 72.0b
Found big object:     java.lang.String@1599511697 size: 96.0b
Found big object:       fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxyDAODefaultImpl@1377613604 size: 16.0b
Found big object:         [C@1807514985 size: 112.0b
Found big object:       java.lang.String@1032054105 size: 136.0b
Found big object:     fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxy@960829065 size: 280.0b
Found big object:   fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxy@524488383 size: 520.0b
Found big object:     [C@1581317004 size: 112.0b
Found big object:   java.lang.String@928118918 size: 136.0b
Found big object:     [C@452073963 size: 136.0b
Found big object:   java.lang.String@814706548 size: 160.0b
Found big object:           fr.esrf.Tango.AttributeDataType@169255379 size: 16.0b
Found big object:           [F@1646981863 size: 24.0b
Found big object:         fr.esrf.Tango.AttrValUnion@982653649 size: 120.0b
Found big object:         fr.esrf.Tango.AttrQuality@79569973 size: 16.0b
Found big object:         fr.esrf.Tango.AttrDataFormat@719233975 size: 16.0b
Found big object:         fr.esrf.Tango.TimeVal@1262271865 size: 24.0b
Found big object:           [C@2054149818 size: 40.0b
Found big object:         java.lang.String@1342245625 size: 64.0b
Found big object:         fr.esrf.Tango.AttributeDim@1340583642 size: 24.0b
Found big object:         fr.esrf.Tango.AttributeDim@1637745962 size: 24.0b
Found big object:         [Lfr.esrf.Tango.DevError;@965774626 size: 16.0b
Found big object:       fr.esrf.Tango.AttributeValue_5@807755903 size: 352.0b
Found big object:     fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceAttributeDAODefaultImpl@2065319079 size: 376.0b
Found big object:   fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceAttribute@576669691 size: 392.0b
Found big object: size: 1.25Kb

I assume that the data passed to the network by the server is packed into the EventData Object at client's end. Hence, the above result (which outputs the EventData object size) may not provide an accurate estimate about the data that is passed by the server to the client on the network.

Further, the data is received by Client from the Server will also include Network Overheads/Payload. How to identify the percentage of it on the actual data?

May anyone please guide on how to get these data estimate?

Kind regards,

"You'll probably get better with time at it. As with anything, you have to be consistent to see improvements."
Edited 7 years ago
Hi Jyotin,

If you want to see the amount of data going through the network, I would recommend using a tool like wireshark.
If you want to better understand what is included in an EventData object, I would simply advise to have a look at the source code.

I hope this helps a bit.
Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new.
Hi Reynald,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I have heard about the Wireshark tool and will now configure it to get the estimates.
Thanks for directing me to it.

Kind regards,
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