rights configuration for ArchivingRoot
Hello tangoers, after installing ArchivingRoot archiving system, we wanted to authorize only accounts in group archivage to be able to execute mambo-rw. We gave read & execution rights on this directory to all users:
When launching mambo-rw, we got following error: "Mambo encountered an undesired error and will close: The path is read only". This issue was solved when we gave rwx rights for all users which should execute mambo-rw to directory "~":
However, my understanding is those rights should only be given to account path and not to binaries path. Why are these rights necessary? I would like to give right for launching read-only tools for all users but I got the following message: "Failed to lock account folder for writing. Please check your account folder rights (write access)." Here is the current rights from account path:
I understand I should give write rights to some directories, but I do not want users be able to modify ac (archiving configuration) or vc (visualisation configuration). Which directories should have write access? Giving write access to the directory only but no subdirectories will be sufficient? Regards.
- Philippe