Error output when running synopticappli

Hi - I am just starting with jdraw/synopticappli, and I am getting errors like this for all attributes:

pc_name:10000/l1/tco/01/maxtempchange.idl5_periodic ? NOT FOUND

Although the application seems to be working ok

I am running tango 9.1.0 on Scientific Linux (RHEL) 6.7

My attributes are being polled at 3000ms (default)

Thanks in advance
Could make a test ?
- get the file zmq-trace.jar at
- put this file at the beginning of your CLASSPATH (in synopticappli script)
- start it
- and send me the error trace

Edited 8 years ago
Thanks Pascal,

Shall I email it to you ? what is your email address?

Could this be because I have two networks in my machine?

You can copy your standard error trace in the forum message area.

Yes, it could be due to the double network connection.
Your servers are written in C++ ?
Of course

yes C++, I now see I also get similar messages with jive.

My TANGO_HOST is localhost:10000, but the messages also indicate the normal name - the second network card was not configured at this time. So looking at the output below is this the problem ? if so how do I get it to ignore the normal address and just use localhost?

This is stdio output:

====================== ZMQ (3.22) event system is available ============================
Connecting to a StateScalar attribute : L1/TCO/01/State
Connecting to a StateScalar attribute : L1/TCO/01/State
======== Shutting down ZMQ event system ==========

and this stderr:
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// ? NOT FOUND
tango:// NOT FOUND
keys are:
Did your server started with ?

try to start server and client with the real name:
Thanks fixed!

I have run device servers recently on a number of hosts, often with locahost …. never had this before, is it because this machine has two networks?

No it is not linked to the double connection.
It is a problem that sounds like a bug. A not clear specification.
In C++ API (server side) localhost is translated to the real host name.
In java API client side, the real TANGO_HOST is used.
So received and expected message are different and not recognized.

We will clarified and fixed it in future release.
Thanks Pascal
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