Good day tango community,
I was trying to install mambo and both HdbArchiver and TdbArchiver Devices and was able to make the historic acquisition work.
But I ran into a very strange bug, when I try to launch the Temporary Acquisition , Mambo calls the HdbArchiver Device instead of the TdbArchiver Device (both are running smoothly on the same tangodb of course). The error I get is due to the History AC having lower frequency than Temporary AC.
Here it is:

I dug into the .bat launcher of Mambo and found some interesting arguments like "".
I tried to play around with those arguments but it didn't solve the problem.
If someone had the similar problem or have any ideas about where to look to solve this issue I would be very grateful.
Here are my Hdb and Tdb Classes and Device's configurations if that can help.

Thank you in advance.

Hdb Class's Configuration

Hdb Device Configuration

Tdb Class's Configuration

Tdb Device Configuration

Edited 8 years ago